


              Although some interventions such as hot/cold packs, Gua-Sha (scraping therapy), acupuncture, cabbage leaves and proteolytic enzymes may be promising for the treatment of breast engorgement during lactation, there is insufficient evidence from published trials on any intervention to justify widespread implementation. More robust research is urgently needed on the treatment of breast engorgement.               


              事實上也是有研究說高麗菜葉可以降低乳房疼痛與脹硬程度  [2, 3],增加哺乳成功率與哺乳長度[4],冰過或室溫的高麗菜葉同樣都可以降低疼痛[5],高麗菜葉與冷凝膠同樣對於改善腫脹疼痛有效,但媽媽們比較偏好使用高麗菜葉[6]。另外也有研究指出使用高麗菜葉萃取物是沒有效果的,而哺乳更加有效,建議鼓勵媽媽多哺乳[7]。

                這些單一研究也許發表的期刊並沒有很好的impact factor,但是這些研究都是對於乳房腫脹治療研究重要的一環。有朋友就說這些該不會是業配文吧,但我卻認為高麗菜葉的使用由來已久,而這些研究正是要讓傳統治療邁入實證醫學之中,過程有的研究會顯示有效,有些沒效,這牽涉到實驗設計,受試者條件,評估方法等,而最後,也許很多年之後,會漸漸發展出更令人振奮的消息!


1.  Mangesi, L. and I. Zakarija-Grkovic, Treatments for breast engorgement during lactation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2016(6): p. Cd006946.

2.  Lim, A.R., et al., Cabbage compression early breast care on breast engorgement in primiparous women after cesarean birth: a controlled clinical trial. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2015. 8(11): p. 21335-42.

3.  Arora, S., M. Vatsa, and V. Dadhwal, A Comparison of Cabbage Leaves vs. Hot and Cold Compresses in the Treatment of Breast Engorgement. Indian J Community Med, 2008. 33(3): p. 160-2.

4.  Nikodem, V.C., et al., Do cabbage leaves prevent breast engorgement? A randomized, controlled study. Birth, 1993. 20(2): p. 61-4.

5.  Roberts, K.L., M. Reiter, and D. Schuster, A comparison of chilled and room temperature cabbage leaves in treating breast engorgement. J Hum Lact, 1995. 11(3): p. 191-4.

6.  Roberts, K.L., A comparison of chilled cabbage leaves and chilled gelpaks in reducing breast engorgement. J Hum Lact, 1995. 11(1): p. 17-20.

7.  Roberts, K.L., M. Reiter, and D. Schuster, Effects of cabbage leaf extract on breast engorgement. J Hum Lact, 1998. 14(3): p. 231-6.

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    愛哺I Breastfeed!羅兆真(IBCLC)國際認證泌乳顧問@台南

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